WATER – An Ideology
Clean drinking water is a prerequisite for optimal health. More than two-thirds of the human body is comprised of water. The major component of cells in the medium is to transport the nutrients and waste throughout the body. Besides, water helps to regulate the internal body temperature and serves as a shock absorber for the brain and spinal cord.
Clean drinking water is a prerequisite for optimal health. More than two-thirds of the human body is comprised of water. The major component of cells in the medium is to transport the nutrients and waste throughout the body. Besides, water helps to regulate the internal body temperature and serves as a shock absorber for the brain and spinal cord.

Clean drinking water is a prerequisite for optimal health. More than two-thirds of the human body is comprised of water. The major component of cells in the medium to transport the nutrients and waste throughout the body. Besides, water helps to regulate the internal body temperature and serves as a shock absorber for the brain and spinal cord.
Clean drinking water is a prerequisite for optimal health. More than two-thirds of the human body is comprised of water. The major component of cells in the medium to transport the nutrients and waste throughout the body. Besides, water helps to regulate the internal body temperature and serves as a shock absorber for the brain and spinal cord.

The fluids within the body represent the water element. That includes blood, saliva, urine, sweat, digestive juices, fat, and semen. Unbalanced water proportion in the body may influence the cardiovascular system and urinary systems of the body. That also results in excess mucus, cold, sinusitis, swelling of glands, blood thinning, or blood clotting.
There is a strong relationship between the human body system and the environment. It is essential to balance the water element in an environment to achieve a minimum level of activity in-universe.
The combination of smoke, fire, and air is the cause of cloud formation. Water gets heated by the sun. Material on earth gets converted into smoke after water evaporation and ascends to the sky with the air. Subsequently, that gets converted to cloud and cause rainfall. Hence, unbalancing of any element can disturb the cycle. Unbalancing water elements by lack of our sensitivity and care has already resulted in its pollution and disturbance in Nature’s cycle. The resultant effects are reflected in the form of extreme floods or droughts on our planet.
Value of water will be intact by keeping it pure with full of consciousness, else the pollutants and problems, get reflected into the human life. It is our shared responsibility to ensure the purity of this water element on earth.